I've signed up for Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas, we get a prompt everyday from today until January 6th. My reason for taking the class is that over the years I seem to have lost the Christmas Spirit. Well I want it back! Now that I have a Grandson I think it's important that as a family we enjoy Christmas so starting with today I'm going to be keeping a Christmas Journal. In it, I will be writing something every day to remember the holidays of my past, enjoy the holidays of the present and dream about the hoilidays of the future.
This may seem like just paper and trivial scribbles, but not to me. I am taking back my Christmas, I am letting it be something I relish and enjoy, and most importantly I am giving at least fifteen minutes to myself, every day, no matter how crazy this season becomes. This Christmas I will be making things with my own hands, my own words and my own memories. This Christmas I will find my Christmas Spirit.
I'll be sharing my journey as much as possible, this may or may not be on a daily basis depending on time as I have quite a few projects going this month and my main task is to complete them.